The beloved SuperTen blazed its own trail when introduced during the later years of Rogers Golden Era. Today, as before this celebrated snare drum is built around the unique heart of Rogers’ flagship Dyna-Sonic – however conversely sporting a traditional, yet modernized snare system to support the demands of today’s working drummers.
A super versatile and very musical snare drum, the SuperTen Brass combines a full-timbre presence and cutting attack. Featuring Rogers beautiful, 7-line natural brass shell – first introduced in the B7 Dyna-Sonic – the SuperTen also offers the tuning range and accuracy of a 10-lug profile with meaty 2.3mm chrome hoops, Beavertail lugs and Rogers’ signature Clockface throw off.
- 14 x 5 | 1.2mm 7-line Natural Brass Shell
- 2.3mm triple flanged, 10 lug Hoops
- 10 x Beavertail die-cast lugs
- Clock Face Throw Off
- Double Badged SuperTen Series Badge & Rogers Script Badge
- Heads: Remo USA Batter / UT Snare Side
- Built in Dampener
- PreLoved - 9.5/10 Condition - Good as New