Innovative...Timeless...Legendary...these words not only describe this incredible player but the drum that bears his name. Pearl is proud to announce the result of our collaboration with one of rock's most celebrated drummer, the Ian Paice Signature Snare Drum. You can't help but be familiar with the drummer who helped propel Deep Purple into Rock and Roll history with such hits as Space Trucking, Hush, and Smoke On The Water. This 14 x 6.5" Chrome Plated SensiTone shell features Stainless Steel Tension Rods and SuperHoop II rims. Ian's drum uses the Pearl classic internal muffler to attain its contemporary sound. This drum is destined to be a collector's item.
- 14 x 6.5 Chrome Plated SensiTone Beaded Shell
- Stainless steel tension rods
- Double Beaded Tube Lugs
- SuperHoop II 2.3mm Hoops
- Employs an internal muffler to attain its contemporary sound
- Pre-Loved - 7/10 Pitting on the chrome plating, doesn't affect the drums performance.